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Aprilia 1200 Adventure Bike Planned?

Aprilia is planning to introduce an Adventure 1200 later this year, according to rumors circulating in Europe. The obvious engine choice would be the unit found on the 1200 Dorsoduro. If the bike materializes, a production version would likely be displayed at the EICMA show in November.


  1. Ed says:

    Where is the Dorsoduro based on the RXV 450/550?

    An RXV with wider gear ratios, more flywheel, bigger gas tank, better seat, and quieter exhaust would get you pretty close to a very nice street bike with decent off road capability…..

  2. Patrick D says:

    I still own a 2001 Aprillia Falco with 21,000 miles on it. I meant to trade it in against the 2006 R1200GS adventure that I still own, but the dealer offer was too much of an insult (and I really like the V-twin’s charachter and power) and I kept it. Both bikes have the same mileage, but the Aprilia has been far and away better built and more reliable.

    The reason that I bought an ‘adventure’ bike is the condition of the roads we have here in Northern Ireland. Away from main routes, it’s truely woeful. On the longer travel suspension bikes, cross country journeys are both faster and safer. Sportsbikes tie themselves in knots and I’ve had ‘heartstopping’ tankslappers too many times, even on relatively conservative machinery.

    When I see this bike in the flesh, I’ll give it serious consideration.

  3. MikeD says:

    Where’s the rumored “Toureg” that looked like an Italian SuperTenere ? Just “A Rumor” after all i guess.
    That i would get excited about, not this lame effort “Faired Dorsoduro 1200″ like that other e-magazine calls it.

    Why this class always have to be so FUgly ? lol, subjective, i know. (^_^ )

    Big dual sports(or just standards with log travel suspenders?) with 17” sport bike wheels and brakes, the “NEW” sport-tourers.

    • Kjazz says:

      I’m not AGAINST the new big dualsport trailies or whatever you call em. I see em like big 2 wheeled SUVs. Most 4 wheel SUVs never get off road. And I dont figure these bikes will see much offroad either.

      I DO really like the sit up position most if not all of them offer. It provides better heads up visibility, makes the rider/bike a more visible object to cars also.

      Most of my experience is with the R1200GS which is VERY comfortable to me. And I still dig sport bikes, so it’s not that I cannot ride a more compact position.

      THe new 2-wheeled SUVs are just very practical. I think they handle crappy roads better than shorter legged sport machines too. And sometimes….going faster is achieved by plowing through bad pavement, ripples, bumps, direction changes etc. rather than simply more acceleration and lighter weight or snappier steering as found on a traditional sport bike. IOW, in some cases, these Big Trailies can kick a sportbikes’ buttocks.

  4. S Calwel says:

    In 2002 Aprilia imported the Caponord to the US. I bought one and still have it. The engine is a detuned version of the same 1000 cc V twin in other Aprilias. It’s a great bike. Faster, a little lighter, a little better handling, better shifting and sweeter sounding alternative to BMW’s boxer twin GS.
    The appeal of big dual sports is not off road capability. Very few of these bikes ever see anything worse than a dirt road. If they did, and they got dropped, it would probably take a second person to get them up.
    I think the market is waiting for a lighter, more comfortable version of the small Dorsoduro. It has plenty of power, it handles better than most bikes in it’s class and it looks good. BMW’s F800GS and F650GS twins (I have one of those too) are hot sellers for these reasons.

    • Tom says:

      “The appeal of big dual sports is not off road capability. Very few of these bikes ever see anything worse than a dirt road. If they did, and they got dropped, it would probably take a second person to get them up.”

      What is it with people who say stuff like this as if it is 100% fact? Just because some lads don’t have the stones to ride the big dual sports on dirt roads, poor dirt roads, trails, and yes even occsional single track, doesn’t mean that no one else does. I and 3 or 4 riding buddies REGULARLY do just that. We leave our homes, travel highways to the boondocks, hit the dirt, and traverse a wide variety of open territory. We sometimes encounter areas populated by 250-450cc riders (with their 4X4 pickup trucks and ramps all around) with the “How the hell did they get here” looks on their face. We even had one guy say something to the effect of “It isn’t possible to get here on those bikes” as if we must have just been placed there by the transporter of the Starship Enterprise.

      No, you don’t ride a 1200GS and similar bikes like a motocrosser. You ride a bit more deliberately, use some trials techniques, and learn to let the machine do most of the work, but overall they are FAR more capable than what the so-called experts on small bikes dare or want to believe. I think many of these naysayers just have an inferiority complex about this issue. Any wuss can ride a 250cc in the dirt, and shout “You can’t ride those big adventure bikes in the dirt”. No, that’s wrong. For some, the appeal of big dual sports IS their off road capability, and much more. And we don’t need to haul them in some giant, stupid, lifted, got-it-because-I-have-a small-weenie pickup truck.

      • falcodoug says:


      • Mark says:

        “The appeal of big dual sports is not off road capability. Very few of these bikes ever see anything worse than a dirt road. If they did, and they got dropped, it would probably take a second person to get them up.”

        Tom, I see the above comment not as fact but as opinion. You are free to disagree with it. You seem to take a lot of pride in riding your bike in difficult areas. Good for you.

        I ride my KTM300 (which comes out of my full size truck using a ramp) in the desert on a regular basis, but when I ride, I focus on what I am doing, and I don’t give a rats tail what other people ride, think or do.

      • Kjazz says:

        We recently were riding in the Arkansas mountains with a guy on an 800 GS BMW. He went EVERYWHERE the rest of us did (XL’s XR’s DR’s KTM’s etc.), he’s a big strong dude and pretty young. BUT… took several of us to help him get it over downed trees and out of some tight muddy spots. I give him credit he rode the fool outa what seemed too much motorcycle for what we were doing. And the bottom of the bike was totally beat to shi+ from rocks, stumps, etc.

        Sure, the GS’s etc. (all the Big Trailies) will go places. But, they wont do it as well in the tight stuff where lifting is a part of the ride as well as a lighter dualsport will. And Lord help you if you get stuck out there by yourself. 500lbs is 500lbs. THat’s a hernia waitin to happen.

      • Mr. Mike says:

        Sure, you can ride almost any bike off road if you go slow enough but who wants to do that?

      • Dave says:

        I have been a motorcycle enthusiast for 25+ years, and I spent about 15 years working in the industry in various roles. I can tell you that it is a fact that very few of these bikes ever see anything worse than a dirt road. In fact, most of them never even see a dirt road. That doesn’t mean none of them; it means just what he said…very few.

  5. Neil says:

    I’d like to see the Kaw W800. We’re getting all these great new bikes here that cost so much more than the average person’s salary. Is the top 10% of society growing so fast that we can afford these things? I have a Suzuki TU250. It’s cheap. It’s fun. Could be a bit bigger for my 5’10 inch frame, but it gets the job done after many many 1000s and 750s over the years. I really like all these trick bikes of course, but I just don’t know where the market is.

    • MikeD says:

      Off Topic: Neil, u should write a review on your TU250 and ASK MD to post it here. Almost positive that it would be very welcome by most of the regular readers instead of the regulars BIG OEMs news and releases. JMO.

  6. joe says:

    why all the gigantic trailies. put a comfy seat on the 650. i would never trade my klr in on one of these 600lb beasts.
    as for the caponord…no one bought it, or very few even though it was a better bike than the gs, it had no add support.

    • Mr. Mike says:

      I agree, although I had a KLR650 and thought it was a bit overwhelmed on the highway. The Suzuki DL650 is great on the highway and is about as heavy as an adventure bike should get if you’re planning to do any off-road and even that’s pushing it. A DL650 with better suspension would be just the ticket for long tours and is thousands of $$’s less expensive than the crop of > 1000cc bikes.

      • Mr. Mike says:

        My KLR was a 2004. I hear the 2008 redesign made them better on the highway so I may have misstated.

      • joe says:

        i have thought of trading the klr for a dl650…just can’t let the old beast go…it’s light and gets 58mph on regular gas.. yes i suffer from what most klr owners suffer from; being cheap.

        • Old town hick says:

          Nothing wrong with doing it cheaply if the overall package works for you.

        • Mr. Mike says:

          I miss my KLR when I take my DL off-road but that was a compromise I was willing to make for better cross-country touring capability. Maybe I’ll revisit the newer KLRs when my DL wears out.

    • MikeD says:

      Because…not all of us are 5′-00″ and 100Lbs humans ? That’s what comes to mind first.

  7. Old town hick says:

    Didn’t Aprilia already make a bike like this called the “Cape Norde” or something? What ever happened to it?

  8. falcodoug says:

    Where is the link for pictures?

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